还在干着。 事实上,没多久前,也就是今年五月下旬,有报道的发现海边亻俞氵度船的事,就是这杜二龙安排的…… 在杜二龙的安排下,颜然一行三人坐上快艇,连夜通过了海上边界。到国内后,很快就有相关部门的人过来接洽。三人被集中安排□□。每天都有人问话。这时候萨曼莎终于知道自己已经安全,也不再藏着,将所有自己知道的情报都交待了出来: 1、(2019.5-7)when people were researching rodent ■蛊 at fortxd, this ■蛊 mutated, and became transmissable from rodents to human beings, which led to the infection of an asian animal caretaker. because the staff did not sterilize the waste water, those water that contained ■蛊got into the waste water system of the neighbor community. 2、(2019.8-10)because the military background of fortxd,■蛊was covered。this ■蛊 was firstly believed to be not very harmful to human being because ■蛊 has not adapted to human body. however, with more and more people got infected, there were five strains of ■蛊 that finally mutated enough to fully adapt human body. in order to cover this up, the cdc put guidelines to diagnose ■蛊 as “vaping illness“ or “influenza“. 3、(2019.11-至今)when some people in the system realize it cannot be hold any more, they figured out a way to blame it to cn. what they did, is to send soldiers that were training at the facility nearby fortxd to go to the jiangcity soldier sport gmaes, and brought the ■蛊 to jiangcity. but thanks to doctors in jiangcity, they discovered this ■蛊 soon enough. far sooner than someone expected. back then all other countries were trying to block cn, but no one knows that us was the real resource. so one by one, almost all countries became victims of the ■蛊. because of he closed relationship with us, many countries got this ■蛊 even before cn announced. 4、mad king keep blaming cn like crazy, meanwhile, do nothing about the ■蛊 inside us. he may try to do this to make the tracking of ■蛊 more difficult. but his efforts are uselesM.fEngye-zn.COm